6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Lead Capture Form Conversions
Every marketer says the magic words “capture and convert leads,” and it’s one of the most important things they want to do for their online marketing goals. Increasing the number of visitors to your website is important, but getting the right leads and converting them into customers is even more critical.
Lead capture occurs when someone visits your website and you are able to convert them into leads. Marketers frequently do this by using website contact forms, lead capture pages, or eCommerce check-out pages.
Website forms are one method for gathering vital customer information. Customer’s contact information is collected in exchange for something they want, such as a discount code, a guide, or a demo session.
Traditional web page forms are still the most common way to collect leads, but consumer behavior is changing, and static forms are becoming less effective at gathering information.
People are becoming more cautious with their information and more aware of its value. They are less likely to freely share their information.
The length of the form also influences how well you get information from people. Most of the time, if a form is too long, people will abandon it, lowering your conversion rate. When the form contains more fields, the quality of the lead improves.
So, what can you do to increase both the quantity and the quality of your leads?? Check out our nine simple tips for enhancing your website lead capture:
To keep reading, go to: Improve Your Lead Capture Form Conversions
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